Op-Ed: Kamala Harris Represents the Future—Young Black Men, This Election Is Your Moment

As we approach the 2024 Presidential Election, with just six weeks left, it’s time to ask a critical question: What kind of future do we want for ourselves, our families, and our communities? For young Black men, in particular, the stakes have never been higher. The choices before us are clear. On one side, we have Donald Trump, a man who has spent years dividing the country with hateful rhetoric and a dangerous disregard for justice and equality. On the other side is Kamala Harris, a woman who represents hope, progress, and the possibility of a brighter future for all Americans, especially for young Black men who often feel left behind.

Kamala Harris is running on a campaign of joy and building an “opportunity economy”—a vision that seeks to uplift, empower, and unite Americans. Donald Trump, meanwhile, offers more of the same division, fueled by racism and incendiary rhetoric. His campaign, much like his presidency, is rooted in fear, anger, and resentment, with no real solutions for the problems we face. This election is a pivotal moment for the country, and young Black men have the power to shape its outcome by standing with Kamala Harris.


Kamala Harris: A Champion for Economic Justice


Kamala Harris understands that for far too long, young Black men in America have been left out of the opportunity equation. Whether it’s through lack of access to good jobs, quality education, or fair wages, we’ve been consistently locked out of the American Dream. But Harris isn’t just talking about these issues—she’s actively working to change them.

Her platform focuses on creating an “opportunity economy” where everyone, regardless of background, has a fair shot at success. This includes investments in job training programs, expanding access to higher education, and encouraging the growth of Black-owned businesses. For young Black men who often face significant barriers to entering and advancing in the workforce, Harris’s plan is a game-changer. She’s also been a vocal advocate for raising the minimum wage, ensuring that no one working full-time should live in poverty. Under her leadership, economic justice won’t just be an empty promise—it’ll be a reality.

Kamala Harris is also committed to bridging the racial wealth gap, an issue that hits close to home for many in the Black community. As of today, the median wealth of a white family is nearly 10 times that of a Black family. Harris knows that this gap isn’t just a result of bad luck—it’s the product of centuries of systemic racism and exclusion from wealth-building opportunities. Her economic plan includes provisions to make homeownership more accessible to Black families, expand access to affordable healthcare, and increase funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), which have long been a pathway to success for Black students.

Education: A Pathway to Opportunity


For too long, our education system has failed Black students, particularly young Black men. Kamala Harris understands that education is one of the most critical keys to unlocking opportunity. She has been a consistent advocate for making higher education affordable and accessible. Her proposal to expand access to tuition-free community college is just one example of how she plans to make it easier for all Americans to access the education they need to succeed.


But her focus isn’t just on higher education. Harris knows that we must fix our broken K-12 education system, where underfunded schools in predominantly Black neighborhoods continue to struggle. She’s committed to ensuring that public schools in all communities have the resources they need to provide a high-quality education to every child. This is about more than just books and buildings—it’s about giving young Black men the tools they need to succeed in life. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for a future where education is a priority, not an afterthought.


Criminal Justice Reform: More Than Just Words


As a former prosecutor and U.S. Senator, Kamala Harris has seen firsthand the damage done by an unjust criminal justice system. Young Black men are disproportionately affected by mass incarceration, police brutality, and racial profiling. Harris has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform, working to reduce mandatory minimum sentences, eliminate private prisons, and end cash bail—a system that unfairly punishes the poor, particularly in Black and brown communities.


Donald Trump, on the other hand, has consistently supported policies that harm Black communities. His calls for “fire and fury” and “law and order” are thinly veiled threats that harken back to some of the darkest periods in American history. Trump has shown us who he is time and time again, from his support of police violence against Black Lives Matter protesters to his refusal to condemn white supremacists. He is not an ally of Black America, and he never will be.


Kamala Harris, in contrast, has a record of fighting for justice and accountability. She has called for a complete overhaul of the policing system in America, including increased transparency, better training, and a focus on community policing. She knows that young Black men deserve to live in a country where they don’t have to fear for their lives every time they encounter law enforcement. Harris’s vision is one of safety and justice for all—not just a privileged few.

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